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What the hell am I listening to?

You are not alone. There is nothing wrong with you. You are worthy of love.

Zooier Than Thou is the world's first monthly podcast covering the zoophile community and all things zooey and wonderful. Featuring in-depth discussions, dating advice, and original songs and skits, all with a great deal of playful candor, Zooier Than Thou sets itself apart with an openly positive and joyful interpretation of what it is to be a zoophile.

Over the years, ZooTT has grown to include a multitude of hosts and guests, collectively bringing decades of animal activism and cross-species romance to the mic, with the help of a dedicated cast and crew of zooey talent. There may be others out there doing the same thing, but ZooTT aims to do it the best!

Meet the Hosts




Toggle is one of the original co-founders of ZooTT, bringing his background in communications and media to the table. Though it may sound like his balls haven't dropped yet, he is known for speaking his mind and using his voice to discuss difficult topics with nuance and a healthy dose of profanity. Toggle likes to spend his free time playing Mario Kart, making terrible puns, and writing zooey punk rock songs.


Lovecat is a friendly, feisty feline of the vegan persuasion who loves nonhuman people, making art in a myriad of mediums, and you, you sexy beast you! Authenticity, Gratitude, and Generosity are their guiding principles, and realizing a sane, caring world for nonhumans and humans of all kinds is their ultimate goal.






Aqua may be the first zoo who can fit in the palm of your hand! They are smooth and round and fiercely dedicated to queer activism and animal rights. While always leading with an animal-first perspective, Aqua has focused their attention on the human side, in order to solve the problems that only humans can. Currently, their focus is engaging with researchers to help show the world what it actually means to be a zoophile.




Steeeve is a grey muzzle pigeon who found the community in the telnet / dial-up / monochrome monitors era. A regular contributor to ZooTT, he has printed/distributed over 8,000 zoo pride stickers to more than 24 countries. He loves the ladies, especially if they're dogs, goats, or redheads. Steeeve enjoys twice daily tea, makes goofy art, and definitely needs a nap.


Eggshell is a dog kisser for real. She enjoys petting dogs, writing about petting dogs, going on long walks with dogs, writing about going on long walks with dogs, and has many other dog- and writing-themed favs. These include smelling dogs, writing about smelling dogs, and giving dogs belly rubs and then smelling her paw.



Recent Episodes

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Suicide Awareness and Prevention

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